2020-2021 CME Webinars


Do You Know Enough to Avoid Medicare/Medicaid/Medicare Advantage Plan Liability and Penalties?

January 19th, 2021
January 27th, 2021

2.5 CME Hours are available

To view the video, you must first complete the form below. Once you submit the form, you will be redirected to a YouTube link with the video. For more information, please contact Robin Caral Shaw, Esq. at Robin@ladymediator.net.

A Look at How the Pandemic is Reshaping the Mediation Waterfront

November 23rd, 2020

2 Ethics Hours are available

To view the video, you must first complete the form below. Once you submit the form, you will be redirected to a YouTube link with the video. For more information, please contact Robin Caral Shaw, Esq. at Robin@ladymediator.net.

Inflammatory Mediation Catchwords and Phrases to Avoid

September 10, 2020

2 CME Hours are available

To view the video, you must first complete the form below. Once you submit the form, you will be redirected to a YouTube link with the video. For more information, please contact Robin Caral Shaw, Esq. at Robin@ladymediator.net.

Mediating in Person, on Zoom, or by Phone. So Many Choices!

October 9, 2020

2 CME Hours are available

To view the video, you must first complete the form below. Once you submit the form, you will be redirected to a YouTube link with the video. For more information, please contact Robin Caral Shaw, Esq. at Robin@ladymediator.net.